The Tchotchke is Anything But a Trinket!

Sherry's Blog PhotoConsider this…

  • An imprinted t-shirt raises more than $7,000 for a teenager battling the cancer and unites a community around hope.
  • On a winter day in New York, imprinted blankets distributed to the homeless transform into a message of hope, caring and community.
  • A key chain with a whistle handed out to students at a self-defense class becomes an empowering tool.
  • A t-shirt given to children at a summer outdoor program is a memorable, functional keepsake. When the shirt is decorated with the phone number to call if the child is lost, the imprinted shirt becomes a prudent safety precaution.

To savvy advertisers and marketers, promotional products are the secret weapon in the marketing arsenal because they are the only tangible advertising medium with the ability to deliver a touchable, tasteable, seeable, hearable and smell-able sensory engagement—the total brand experience. More importantly, promotional products are the only advertising for which consumers say, “Thank you!”

-Observations from Paul Bellantone, CAE, President and CEO of PPAI (Promotional Proiducts Association International)

November 26, 2013 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment